Our Mission:

KNOW Christ, GROW in Christ, GO Share His Love!

What We Believe:

Statement of Beliefs
We believe in one God, creator of all things, who exists in three persons– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Acts 1: 4-5, Mark 1:10-11, 2 Corinthians 13:4, Colossians 1:15, Matthew 28
We believe the bible is the inspired and only infallible, authoritative written word of God.
2 Timothy 3:16-17, Romans 15:4
Christ alone brings salvation.
John 3:33, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 4:12, John 14:6
We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man and place our faith in him.
Matthew 1:23, John 14:9-11, Galatians 5:6
We believe in loving others where they are just as Jesus did.
Deut 10:18, 1 Chron 16:34, Matt 22:37,39, John 15:17, John 17:23, 1 Cor 13:4, Gal 2:20, 5:6, 5:22, 1 John 2:5
We renounce Satan, but believe he is real.
Ephesians 6:10-18, Matthew 4:1-11
We acknowledge the Gifts of the Spirit through the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 12: 4-13, John 16:13-15
Communion – All (including children with parent permission) who believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
1 Corinthians 11:23-32, Acts 2:42
Baptism- We believe in water baptism, allowing infant baptism or infant dedication, or baptism or by immersion. We emphasize that belief, faith and repentance are necessary for salvation.
Mk 16:16, John 3:22, Acts 2:38, Acts 13:24, Acts 16:15, Mt 28:19, Mt 3:11, Acts 1:5, Acts 10:37, 1st Cor 12:13, Mk 1:9-10
Christ is the head of the church.
Colossians 1:15-19; Ephesians 5:23-26
Women can be leaders in the church.
Galatians 3:26-29, 1 Timothy 3:11, Romans 16:1-3, Acts 2:17
Prairie Faith is Pro-Life.
Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139: 13-16, Deuteronomy 18:9-13
We are Pro-Marriage. Pertaining to same sex marriage, the scriptures are clear that it is a sin just like any other sin. It can be forgiven and we welcome all homosexuals. We do not bless same sex relationships, or ordain homosexuals.
Genesis 2:22-24, Romans 1:22-32, Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
We believe in evangelism, prayer, and discipleship. Our mission is: KNOW Christ, GROW in Christ, and
GO share His Love. 
Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 21:21-22, Matthew 7:7-8, 21-24, Mark 16:15-20

Our Vision:

KNOW Christ
Knowing doctrine is secondary to knowing absolute truth and trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior, complete dependency on Him, and obedient faithfulness as we get to experience Him through a personal relationship.
GROW in Christ
Every one of us has a fundamental call to embody a way of life shaped by the Cross.  In order to grow in that calling we, as believers, strive every day to live in Christ’s resurrection power both now and for eternity through comprehensive Biblical training and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
GO Share His Love

Seeking His counsel in prayer and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we make every effort to reach out to the lost, considering others’ needs before our own, and developing relationships with people from all walks of life. We do this by communicating with them thoughts, actions, and feelings in truth and love.  We are willing to bring the church to the people in order for others to know that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; and no one comes to the Father except through Him.