Children’s Ministry
2021 Vacation Bible School
Prairie Faith is blessed to host one of the largest Vacation Bible School programs in the area every June. Children from the Midkota and surrounding communities come together for a week of fun-filled learning about following Jesus Christ. Through games, crafts, music, drama, and bible stories, children are challenged to grow in their relationship with Jesus and encouraged to trust Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
For past VBS photos and video highlights, check out our Photo Album.
Prairie Kids
Prairie Kids is for children 4 years-old through sixth grade. Meeting every Sunday during the school year, Prairie Kids is an opportunity for children to learn about Jesus through music, movies, bible stories, activities, by sharing and just plain having FUN! The program begins at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary at Prairie Faith. All of the kids gather together for singing and large group fun. After opening, the kids are divided by age for small group time until 10:30 a.m. If you have any questions, about Prairie Kids, please contact us
Come join us on our fun and awesome journey of following Jesus!

The Prairie Kids pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child each year.

The kids shared Jesus’ love around Glenfield with May Baskets last spring.
FaHoCha Bible Camp
Every summer, several students take advantage of an incredible opportunity to attend a week of camp. FaHoCha Bible Camp near Warwick, ND runs a number of camps for students age 8-18 each summer and our kids always have a blast. Visit FaHoCha’s website for more information.